Iru Malargal Serial In Tamil Episode 120 Lonceng

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Iru Malargal Serial In Tamil Episode 120 Lonceng

Sarala with her two daughters Praghya and Ammu runs a marriage hall and meets their expenses.

Prague is shocked and horrible Praghya is only support for Abma grandmother Son Ammu and Prabha fell in love with each other.. Praghya marriage with Suresh was held but later interrupted by Praghya eleven after she came to know the truth about Suresh love Ammu and not her. HERE

At the same time Aaliya bake from Australia after her investigation and Abhi ask Prabha to marry Aaliya who decided a year ago but Prabha confesses that she falls in love.. Praghya refuses to marry Abhi as she had a bit of difference in Abhi in the past but receives her mother health.. This action bounces Prabha out of the house Aaliya decides to take revenge on Prabha and suggest a plan that her brother Abhi will marry Praghya as Aaliya believes Prabha loves Praghya and proves that Praghya is only after money and not on Prabha true love so that Aaliya can marry Prabha and after they can send Praghya and her brother can marry Tanu. HERE

Abhi love supermodel Named Tanu Who is Ali best friend Ammu joins Prabha office and basically Ammu believes Prabha flirter with girls but later understand that the girls were to Abhi fans of those treated with Prabha.. Abhi and Tanu also agreed that Aaliya and Trio sends Prabha to his hometown and marries marriages.. A Suresh loves Ammu sister of Prague However the show shows the story of Rockstar Abhishek Prem. 6e4e936fe3

He is worried about three sister Aaliya his great mother and his best friend Prabha. 5